The life of solitude, and epistolae metricae begun 45. Love is the crowning grace of humanity, the holiest right of the soul, the golden link which binds us to duty and truth, the redeeming principle that chiefly reconciles the heart to life, and is prophetic of eternal good. Cornelius musiuss reappraisal of the vita solitaria 1566. For example, petrarch struggled with the proper relation between the active and contemplative life, and tended to emphasize the importance of solitude and study. Nel proemio traccia il locus amoenus, simile a quello di valchiusa, luogo in cui lintellettuale dovrebbe ritirarsi. It constitutes an apology of solitude dedicated to his. The family eventually moved to avignon 12, in the provence region of southern france, the home of the exiled papal court, at which an italian lawyer might hope to find employment. He is also known as the father of humanism and had great attachment to ancient manuscripts. Editore mondadori ean 9788804356561 pagine 396 data 1992 collana oscar classici. Petrarch merged the medieval interest in spiritual meditation with ciceros idea of. It is said that petrarchs discovery of ciceros letters paved the way for the italian renaissance. Petrarchs constructions of the sacred solitary place in. Lopera venne redatta allincirca tra il 46 e il 56 ed e unesaltazione della solitudine.
Petrarchs father, a lawyer, had been obliged to leave florence in 2 and had moved to arezzo, where petrarch was born. Francesco petrarch was an italian poet, scholar and philosopher born in the beginning of the fourteenth century ad. If we come to them rested and restored, night studies are the best kind of seclusion. Petrarch achieved renown across europe as a humanist, moralist, and latin poet. Share petrarch quotations about earth, desire and books. Later the politician and thinker leonardo bruni 701444 argued for the active life, or civic humanism. Yet if ovid considers seclusion a danger, petrarch regards it as conducive to moral improvement. Lautore lo dedico a filippo di cabassoles, vescovo di cavaillon, in provenza. There is more in this attitude of horace and epicurus than of the moralist or. Latin treatise in two books by petrarch, first composed in 46, though revisions and extensions continued until 71. It describes and defends an ideal of the solitary life which is. A critical guide to the complete works is the only comprehensive, singlevolume source to which anyonescholar, student, or general readercan turn for information on each of petrarchs works, its place in the poets oeuvre, and a critical exposition of its defining features. Go to the editions section to read or download ebooks.
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